HEY what's goinz onz!!!!!!
Thanks for this site, this is just the begening and it's a good one: positiv'! u know!
I just wanna let every body that even in orlando i'm tryin to work for gwada ,and i hope that you don't forget us in the usa cuz we need your support!
é créol la ossi pa forget li !!! zo ja konet!
j'aimerais bien savoir ce qui ce passe au niveau du son gwada et nina, les differents underground qui represent:tiwony,ap'h,jan ik,straika,karukera crew(hey my nizzles,where you at ?),mighty 1,la horda negra,and mo'...........
Some of you might know me, i'm sista FLO, and you know the mcs' battle in the US is ruff! an ké plito di kè i égri! mais , ne sous-estimons notre potentiel et surtout ne nous limitons pas à la france (ou l'europe) car le rap créole-français (pour avoir testé) aux states est très aprécié!!.......ET oui!
Anyway, all i wanna say here is that we should open our mind and be more ambitious, belve in ourselves!! for real ......We can be as good as they are!
I'm out, thank you once again .....YOUTH take care of ya'll, peace out!
(97-uno F.L.O)