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Shaq Daddy

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Modérateurs : gwadayouth team, kika, Tiktik-O, brown sugʹ

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Golden Lyricist
Golden Lyricist
Messages : 828
Inscription : jeu. 15 nov., 2001 02:01
Localisation : An laboula!
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Shaq Daddy

Message par dada-7 »

Probablement le basketteur le plus fun a interviewer...Judge by yyourself:
Shaq a écrit :"You're firing Phil without telling me. You're doing this and doing that. I'll tell you what, you can have this. I've been the scapegoat for too long. 'Phil took us to the Finals three out of the five years and you want to fire him and want to bring in Mike Krzyzewski? Come on, man. That's like being married to J-Lo, then dropping J-Lo for a girl that's 5-10, 480 [pounds]. They asked me when I was out there, 'Why do you want to be traded?' I said, Me staying here is like divorcing my wife and marrying someone who looks like me. That's backwards, man."
Image...An eye 4 an eye! Image
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ol star*
Mic checker
Mic checker
Messages : 52
Inscription : ven. 10 oct., 2003 00:25
Localisation : Between the clouds and Earth...doing my thing!!!

Message par ol star* »

Poy poy poy I pa mové ti entèwvyou la sa...mé Chaq toujou trè "sarcastic" kom boug...Big Up!!! :ok:

Pli ta.
TEAM(Together each achieves more)!!!
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brown sugʹ
Messages : 448
Inscription : ven. 16 nov., 2001 02:01
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Message par brown sugʹ »

hahaha! nice metaphors Shak...that's the rapper in him!

but hey Ol Star, why are you a wack emmc? :fuse:

Team! :ok:
"Success is not a faithful girlfriend....keep grindin'!" Tupac